Rights | Duties | Constitution

Jagrik was organized in collaboration with Madhya Pradesh Youth Collective and UNICEF with 154 children in 10 schools in the district, in which 71 boys and 83 girls were involved. This game has been created with the aim of understanding the Constitution through activities and making it an integral part of life and behaving accordingly. The process of Jagrik gives children the opportunity to live the Constitution, and this also helps us as an institution to acknowledge the constitution in our day-to-day life.

This program aims to help children understand their responsibilities as citizens. During this program, we noticed balance in behavior and confidence in children. This program provides open space for the expression of children. Teachers told us that subjects like social science have been made fun of through Jagrik Activities. There was a visible change in the knowledge set of individuals and facilitators through this process. After doing this process for 5 weeks in school, Jagriks were making healthy connections with their family and people in their locality as they went through a process that made them more confident and helped them to understand the importance of listening to others while making their own point in the conversation. This process has proved effective in connecting children with the values of the constitution.


Establishing dialogue spaces for diverse youth with different opinions

Samjho Toh: The Samvidhan Live Dialogues is a public initiative running in 25 locations in Indiawith 1200 young people. The initiative aims to bring together young people from diverse ideological stances and standings to learn to engage with multiple viewing points and build capacities for deep dialoguing, collaboration, and co-creation. SHEDO worked as a knowledge partner in this program.

While starting the mobilization Process for Samjho Toh we didn’t know the true power of constructive dialogue and how IT can effectively challenge Polarisation among youth by enabling them to understand each other better. But as we started organizing ‘Adda’, we saw the difference. Participants came from diverse backgrounds; some came from rural areas, while others were from semi-urban spaces, some were staunch right-wing supporters while some had an inclination toward the ideology of left and center. They belonged to different religions, castes, gender, and ideology but during Adda, they were just individuals who opened up their minds and hearts to understand views of each other. We did 12 Addas with 40 young individuals where they expressed their views openly, understood the importance of active listening and appreciative inquiry, co-created a vision of India, and composed songs.


Nurturing Fraternity within society

Stories shape the world it is an ocean of stories out there in the world and in here in our minds. The stories are powerful. They make us cooperate, believe in something, and change our lives and our world. But they can also make us polarise the same world, divide ourselves into us versus the other. These stories impact the way the value of Fraternity is lived. Fraternity Lab is a space of learning to live the value of Fraternity, transforming narratives that polarise into those that harmonize and spreading those in the real world to expand this experience for others.


Coming together for mental wellbeing

The objective of the Togetherness Table is to enable young people to experience a shift from having adverse feelings to feeling empowered and having an overall positive sense of self and well-being. The experience also helps build resilience and the feeling of belonging that comes from creating community well-being through shared leadership. The game is a unique experience that opens up dialogues in the family space and other intergenerational settings by creating a safe space. It is essentially a game in the form of ‘refl-action’ tasks and each refl-action task creates an opportunity for deep dialogue and conversations which are preceded by an experience of love, learning, freedom, ownership, and social hope which can then gently guide us to nourish values of liberty, equality, and fraternity in society.


Functional literacy for women

Nearly 266 million adults in India cannot read or write and are thereby deprived of critical growth opportunities. To address this deficiency, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) came up with the Adult Literacy Program (ALP) in the year 2000. ALP runs on TCS’ proprietary Computer-based Functional Literacy (CBFL) solution, which employs innovative information and communications technology solutions to promote literacy. 

The CBFL solution enables adult learners to read, write, and perform basic arithmetic within 50-55 learning hours. Its prime focus is on words rather than alphabets, thus enabling students to acquire a 700-word vocabulary in nine Indian and three foreign languages. The program uses a combination of teaching methods such as software, multimedia presentations, and printed materials. Animated graphics, voice-overs, and puppets are also employed to make the learning process more enjoyable. SHEDO in partnership with Prayas and TCS implemented this program in the Harda district in 2017-18, where we worked with tribal and rural women on their functional literacy.


Clean and aware India

In the last 3 years, we have provided consultancy to 7 ULBs for IEC, capacity building, monitoring, and implementation. Where we made sure that there are proper provisions for door-to-door garbage collection and segregation by building IPC (Interpersonal communication) through door-to-door outreach, community events, school workshops, competitions, challenges, television, and newspaper ads.

Our prime focus was to improve the overall quality of life in rural and urban regions by encouraging cleanliness, hygiene, and the elimination of open defecation. Develop community-managed sanitation systems focusing on scientific Solid and Liquid Waste Management systems for overall cleanliness.